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Vircadia vs. Mozilla Hubs

Mozilla Hubs is a platform for the creation and deployment of customizable virtual meeting rooms.

Vircadia is an open source metaverse platform designed for the creation and deployment of virtual worlds for all industries, from education and enterprise to non-profits and government organizations.

Both Vircadia and Hubs are accessible through the web browser on virtually any device, including XR devices through WebXR. However, Vircadia extends support further by enabling experiences to be created with Unity and Unreal (coming soon).


Hubs has a minimalist approach and philosophy to its feature offering, thus preferring a streamlined workflow for users and organizers alike. To utilize custom features, developers and designers must command a strong knowledge of software engineering and development and deploy their own stack of the system.

Vircadia is a complete experience with customization opportunities available for all levels of expertise for the world and avatars. This ease-of-customization is made possible through visual scripting, node editors, and more. Vircadia also features full body avatars, whereas Hubs has a focus on simple designs.


Hubs allows for a maximum of 24 users to be present in the same space due to performance constraints. Vircadia's infrastructure allows for hundreds (potentially thousands) of full body tracked avatars


Hubs uses the MPL 2.0 license, which is a good benefit to project security as it helps ensure that your organization can maintain its copy of the code even if the maintainer stops supporting it. However, this license specifically requires changes to the code to be made open source, thus causing some friction for organizations who want to maintain a competitive advantage or maintain code-security through obfuscation.

Vircadia however uses the Apache 2.0 open source license which allows the same privileges with the added benefit of being able to keep all code changes closed source if desired. This allows organizations to maintain a competitive advantage or heightened code-security.